Two Important Business Mantras to Live by

Frustrations and elations are a pretty common occurrence when you’re a business owner. It’s not an easy ride, by any means. We start off with this great idea, or this higher purpose that drives us to bring our business to life. Then the road gets bumpy. We deal with situations we couldn’t dream up in […]
Published videos (academic)
The below is a link to a video created for Curtin University discussing governance on the internet. You can find a link to the video here.
Online conference paper: In Zuckerberg we trust
In May 2017, Curtin University held an online conference discussing Social Networks and Community. My paper, in Zuckerberg we trust, was published as a part of the conference and discussed Facebook’s real-name policy and the implications on imposing single user identity on the internet. You can download a pdf of my paper here: InZuckerbergWeTrust. Or […]
Liberal, Labor and Greens unite for Marriage Equality
It is not often that we see members for Greens, Labor and Liberal all standing on a stage together with big smiles and a united message, but that is exactly what yesterday’s #wasaysyes event held by provided.
I’ve got a link! // Navigating hate speech online

I have had many conversations with people over the years about how to navigate hate speech online. Do we defend those being attacked? Or do we simply ‘dislike’ and ‘like’ to show our opinion. How effective is that?
Bee-lieving in yourself

Last month, I made a decision… I decided to start believing in myself. 🐝 I did not expect it, but I quickly realised how hard it actually is to believe in myself. 🐝
Increasing productivity with checklists

Here’s the thing about checklists, I can suggest to a busy friend or client to use them, and they usually have the same answer, “oh yes I always think I need to do that, but I don’t get around to it!” We know we need to use checklists, but we don’t prioritise the time to […]
Are you telling your story?

Stories contain a hero, a purpose, a journey and a conclusion. Content strategists will look at your content like theres a story to tell. When I first meet a client, my first question is always, “Why? What’s the purpose of your online presence? Why are you there and what do you want to get out […]
Responding to messages on social media

Should message responsiveness matter to a business page? You might say ‘yep because why else would Facebook have it as a feature?’. Remember, Facebook makes money when you’re on their App because it can sell things to you or sell things to others about you. Whenever I look at a Facebook feature I always look […]
When should you post on your social channels?

There is just so much advice online about when you should post to your socials. I like to look at Sprout Social recommendations because after years of analysing social app data I know Sprout’s is pretty accurate. This article from Sprout is built from Sprout’s massive bank of social media data and because Sprout service […]