Liberal, Labor and Greens unite for Marriage Equality

It is not often that we see members for Greens, Labor and Liberal all standing on a stage together with big smiles and a united message, but that is exactly what yesterday’s #wasaysyes event held by provided.

Labor Senator Louise Pratt, Liberal Senator Dean Smith and Greens MLC Alison Xamon all held the stage with a united message; “let’s get it done”.

Each member expressed support for the LGBT community and lamented the reality that this marriage survey brings. Senator Pratt spoke of her relationship and what the marriage equality vote would mean to her.

Senator Smith spoke of the need to continue to pursue the vote in the parliament and acknowledged the continued work for the senate after the completion of the postal survey.

MLC Alison Xamon’s heart felt speech noted the Greens long-standing fight for marriage equality in Australia.

The crowd, a sea of rainbows, balloons and banners of each of the factions turning up to promote their support of marriage equality welcomed the speeches with enthusiasm and lots of applause.

Anyone would be forgiven to think the ‘Yes’ vote had already won, but the general message from was that the individual voices of the community will help push the Yes vote over the line.

The day was littered with personal stories and speeches from PFLAG to Students for Marriage Equality Australia and a final note from Irish LGBT rights campaigner Tiernan Brady. Brady’s insight into the dehumanising propaganda techniques from the ‘No’ camp come as cold comfort to the community members the inflammatory language affects. Regardless, his speech provided invaluable insight into the issues of this campaign along with some empowering words for the community.

As a whole, it felt like a success with a simple message; the best way forward in this dark time in Australia’s history is to empower the LGBT community to tell their story and put a human face to the dehumanisation of discrimination.

Story written by Kat Dart

Published for The Edittoir & Dart Media.


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